Steps you could take to increase your eventual income Even if retirement isn’t far away, there are steps you could take to increase your eventual retirement income. This applies both to your State Pension entitlement as well as to any personal or workplace pension pots. We’ve provided some areas to consider that you may wish to discuss with us to help you to… Continue reading How to make the most of your retirement
Category: Financial News
Financial Fitness
Time to track and celebrate your wealth goals? With the Christmas festivities now a distant memory, money matters are firmly on people’s minds this year according to recent research[1]. A poll of more than 3,500 UK adults[2] found the most common money goals are: putting more money into their savings accounts (21%); paying off their credit cards or loans (17%); and starting… Continue reading Financial Fitness
Why being over 40 is the new mid-20s
Healthier lifestyles and feeling happier about financial planning for retirement An increasing number of middle-aged Britons are getting healthier as they exercise more and eat better than they did when they were younger. Over-40s are turning to healthier lifestyles, with more than half rating themselves as more health-conscious than they were in their mid-20s, according… Continue reading Why being over 40 is the new mid-20s
Market matters
Don’t let current global uncertainties affect your financial planning It’s important not to let current global uncertainties affect your financial planning for the years ahead. People who stop their investment planning, particularly during market downturns, often miss out on opportunities to invest at lower prices. It’s important to stick to your strategy and keep moving… Continue reading Market matters
New lease of life
Pensioners embracing the benefits of retirement and new-found time As with any new life stage, planning often helps a smooth transition from the old to the new. Preparing properly for anything new requires planning and commitment. Spending time on planning now will ensure you enjoy the retirement you’ve worked hard to achieve. According to new… Continue reading New lease of life
Tips to minimise the tax you pay
Have you utilised all your year-end tax planning deadline opportunities? As we near the 2017/18 tax year end on 5 April, if appropriate to your particular situation, we’ve provided some tax planning tips to help you maximise the use of your various tax allowances and minimise the tax you pay. We take a personal approach… Continue reading Tips to minimise the tax you pay
Establishing your financial goals
Gathering information and developing your strategy Evaluating your goals in greater depth is essential if you want to get a picture of your responsibilities and aspirations. With a full understanding of your circumstances and priorities, we’ll provide you with advice that is custom-tailored to suit your specific lifestyle goals, and together you can develop a… Continue reading Establishing your financial goals
Unwritten goals are just wishes
Making wise financial decisions and rewarding for your efforts If you do not know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? This is very true about financial goals. You need to set financial goals to help you make wise financial decisions, and also as a reward for your efforts. Goals… Continue reading Unwritten goals are just wishes
Creating a financial roadmap
Planning for success can be complicated in today’s world No two people have identical financial circumstances, which is why it’s essential you have a custom financial planning solution that meets your individual needs and goals. Planning for financial success can be complicated in today’s world. A broad knowledge of everything from complex retirement and investment products to risk management strategies and tax laws… Continue reading Creating a financial roadmap
Avoiding hidden dangers in retirement
Make sure you don’t run out o fmoney or face a reduced standard of living Increasingly, more and more pensioners are keeping much of their pension invested after they retire. This means they’re faced with two very different risks when deciding what to do with their savings in retirement in a world of ‘pension freedoms’.… Continue reading Avoiding hidden dangers in retirement