Transferring pensions There are a number of different reasons why you may wish to consider transferring your pension schemes, whether this is the result of a change of employment, poor investment performance, high charges and issues over the security of the pension scheme, or a need to improve flexibility. You might well have several different… Continue reading Retirement planning
Category: Financial News
Investing in a new decade
What opportunities could the future hold? Looking ahead to this new decade, what areas could be seen as opportunities for investors? Emerging markets It is estimated that the world’s population is set to increase by 50 per cent in the next 40 years, mostly from emerging markets, which include the ‘BRIC’ countries of Brazil, Russia,… Continue reading Investing in a new decade
Pension apathy
Why you should review your retirement options Apathy and a failing system is costing pension savers dear, with retirees set to lose £14m this year on not hunting out the best annuity. If this inertia continues, it will cost Britain’s pensioners a total income of £3.3bn over the next 20 years, according to the study… Continue reading Pension apathy
Tax facts
What you need to know Check your PAYE code You should check that you are on the correct code. Don’t just assume that if tax is being deducted at source it must be right. If you have been paying too much tax, you can claim back the excess for up to six previous years. If… Continue reading Tax facts
Boosting your pension
Act fast before the end of the tax year Here are some useful hints that may improve your pension prospects. Some employers may allow selected staff aged 50 and over (rising to age 55 and over from 6 April 2010) to claim an income from their pension while they work full time. This option has… Continue reading Boosting your pension
Is it time you had a wealth check?
Start the new decade with a new bill of wealth At every stage in our lives, there are certain circumstances that stand out as important, but it is all too easy to put off planning in our earlier years. We have highlighted some of the important stages in life and the circumstances you might find… Continue reading Is it time you had a wealth check?
Pre-Budget Report
The key points at a glance The key points at a glance from Chancellor Alistair Darling’s third Pre-Budget Report. Economy UK economy expected to contract by 4.75 per cent this year, with a return to growth in the fourth quarter. Forecasts UK will grow 1-1.5 per cent next year and by 3.5 per cent in… Continue reading Pre-Budget Report
Transferring your pensions
Your questions answered There are a number of different reasons why you may wish to consider transferring your pension schemes, whether this is the result of a change of employment, poor investment performance, issues over the security of the pension scheme, or a need to improve flexibility. You might well have several different types of… Continue reading Transferring your pensions
Investing at a time of low interest rates
Investment opportunities when interest rates are low If you are an income-seeking saver in search of good returns from your savings in this low interest rate environment, we can provide you with the professional advice you need to enable you to consider all the options available. In addition, we can help you determine what levels… Continue reading Investing at a time of low interest rates
Are you an income seeking saver?
Making the right informed decisions is the key We provide solutions for the diverse needs not just of our wealthy clients but also of those who aspire to become wealthy, enabling each individual to structure their finances as efficiently as possible. If you are an income-seeking saver in search of good returns from your savings in… Continue reading Are you an income seeking saver?