Protecting your finances from the return of inflation Even though the economy has been experiencing deflationary pressures, investors should be very mindful of the return of inflation and the need to factor this into their future plans. Even though inflation may take longer to reach the government’s two per cent target, once there, it could… Continue reading Inflation matters
Category: Financial News
Investment objectives – a lifelong process
Protecting your wealth from market ups and downs A lifestyle financial plan has no value unless it is properly implemented through an appropriate investment strategy. If you’ve got a sufficient amount of money in your cash savings account – enough to cover you for at least six months – and you want to see your… Continue reading Investment objectives – a lifelong process
Reviewing your needs and goals
Take the time to think about what you really want from your investments You need to consider what you really want from your investments. Knowing yourself, your needs and goals, and your appetite for risk is a good start. 1. Consider your reasons for investing It’s important to know why you’re investing. The first step is to… Continue reading Reviewing your needs and goals
Long-term care
Considering your options Corporate bonds are a type of fixed interest security. A fixed interest security is a way of ‘lending’ money to a company in return for a fixed rate of interest over a set period. This type of investment is intended to provide you with a regular, reliable income. Here are five ways… Continue reading Long-term care
Making a will
Don’t leave your loved ones with additional costs and complications People who die without a valid will, or intestate, leave costs and complications to their loved ones and often gift thousands of pounds to the State in what may be avoidable Inheritance Tax (IHT). The Law Society says that anyone with assets and family or… Continue reading Making a will
Critical illness cover
Protection for the unexpected Critical illness policies are the type of policy nobody wishes to have to claim against, yet evidence shows that these are vitally important policies that can support families and secure their financial wellbeing during the worst of times. Most people buy critical illness cover when they take on a major financial… Continue reading Critical illness cover
Income protection insurance
How would you pay the bills if you were sick or injured and couldn’t work? Protecting your income should be taken very seriously, given the limited government support available. How would you pay the bills if you were sick or injured and couldn’t work? Income protection insurance, formerly known as ‘permanent health insurance’, is a… Continue reading Income protection insurance
Financial protection
Making the right decision to protect your financial situation With so many different protection options available, making the right decision to protect your personal and financial situation can seem overwhelming. There is a plethora of protection solutions which could help ensure that a lump sum, or a replacement income, becomes available to you in the… Continue reading Financial protection
Investment trust
Reflecting popularity in the market An investment trust is a company with a set number of shares. Unlike an open-ended investment fund, an investment trust is closed ended. This means there are a set number of shares available, which will remain the same no matter how many investors there are. This can have an impact… Continue reading Investment trust
With-profits funds
Stock market return linked but with fewer ups and downs than investing directly in shares If you save regularly or invest a lump sum using a life insurance policy, you might choose to invest in a with-profits fund. These aim to give you a return linked to the stock market but with fewer ups and… Continue reading With-profits funds