Accessing your pension safely, without unnecessary costs and a potential tax bill With the biggest pension reforms in a lifetime rapidly approaching on 6 April, are you ready for how these reforms could potentially affect you, whether now or in the future? The wide media coverage that followed the 2014 Budget announcements talked of pensions… Continue reading Pension freedoms what could they mean to you?
Category: Retirement
Gifts of the financial variety
The best gift you can ever make to your grandchild or grandchildren this festive period will have a longer-lasting impact Your grandchild or grandchildren may want the latest toy or gadget this Christmas, but how about giving them a present that can help their financial future? UK tax laws allow children to receive pension contributions… Continue reading Gifts of the financial variety
Inheritance tax ‘Nil Rate Band’ and rates
Is it time to evaluate your estate? We can help you evaluate the size of your estate—which could include assets such as property, pensions, shares and personal property—and identify the opportunities that will help you avoid or reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax your family will have to pay on your estate and enable you… Continue reading Inheritance tax ‘Nil Rate Band’ and rates
Make writing your will your top 2014 New Year resolution
Save your loved ones from any additional stress at what is likely to be a very difficult time As much as we might not want to think about it, we are all going to die one day. Most of us know that we should write a will, but most of us never get round to… Continue reading Make writing your will your top 2014 New Year resolution
Choosing the retirement option that’s right for you
The freedom to choose how and when you access your pension Your retirement should be something to look forward to, not worry about how to make ends meet. Whatever you want to do, understanding how to build up enough retirement savings and how pensions work should help you achieve your goals. Your accumulated pension pot… Continue reading Choosing the retirement option that’s right for you
‘Save smart’
Focused on managing costs We’re becoming increasingly good when it comes to cost cutting, according to the latest findings of an annual online survey from long-term savings and investment specialist Standard Life by YouGov PLC. Today, more than 9 out of 10 of us (92%) actively manage our costs to make our money go further. There has been a… Continue reading ‘Save smart’
It’s easy to lose track of pensions
Helping you take full control of your retirement savings People change jobs, employers change their names but, more importantly, we all forget things from time to time. With that in mind, it is easy to lose track of pensions that you have paid into over the years. If you do not actively look for your… Continue reading It’s easy to lose track of pensions
Baby boomers’ top five biggest financial regrets
New survey reveals how some approaching retirement wished they had made different choices Not saving enough for retirement is the biggest financial regret among those aged 55 or over (today’s baby boomers), according to the findings of an annual online survey from Standard Life by YouGov Plc. Nearly one in five (18%) baby boomers said they… Continue reading Baby boomers’ top five biggest financial regrets
What’s your number?
Make sure your pension is on track to grow enough to support you in retirement Do you know how much your pension is worth? Do you know how many you have or where they are? How about the type of funds they’re invested in or how much risk is involved? I f the answer to… Continue reading What’s your number?
What’s in your basket?
Diversifying your assets helps spread risk by lessening the potential for losses Most investors are used to hearing the term ‘diversification’ – but it has a broader meaning than many realise. Diversification is the process of investing in areas that have little or no relation to each other. This is called a ‘low correlation’. Spreading… Continue reading What’s in your basket?