Generating market-beating returns

How much risk are you willing to take? It is impossible for an active manager to always outperform the market, but through the process of stock selection, active management introduces the potential of generating market-beating returns. For those willing to take on the additional risk that comes with stock market investment, an actively managed fund… Continue reading Generating market-beating returns

Overseas assets

 Investors should not delay in disclosing their assets With the latest HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) campaign aimed at targeting investors with overseas assets, some investors could be worried about the impact this could have on their overseas investments, and others could be put off from investing overseas altogether. However, it’s not all doom and… Continue reading Overseas assets

Enjoy the time of your life

Have you given full consideration to your long-term pension investment strategy? Reviewing your 
retirement planning Having a pension today is recognised as just one important step along the path to achieving your dreams once you have stopped working. Now, not only must you carefully consider where you actually invest your pension money and how you… Continue reading Enjoy the time of your life

Make the most of every available tax-planning opportunity

You’d better get your skates on with the end of tax year fast approaching No one likes to pay more tax than they have to but one of the challenges of wealth is the high taxation it attracts. With real-terms tax increases the prospect for the foreseeable future the pressure is on to make the… Continue reading Make the most of every available tax-planning opportunity

Navigating a shifting landscape

Prioritising short-term needs as opposed to long-term goals Recent years have brought tremendous change around the globe, change that affects us all. People are trying to navigate this shifting landscape, but it’s not easy. In the first Investor Pulse survey conducted by BlackRock, half (50%) of the people surveyed said they feel in control of… Continue reading Navigating a shifting landscape

It can be reassuring to take a long-term perspective

As wealth grows, so too can the complexity of its management. Our approach is to cut through complexity and offer you clear guidance to achieve your goals. Today’s challenging economic and global conditions, coupled with uncertainty in Europe, North America and China, have combined to create a degree of cautiousness among many investors. A long-term… Continue reading It can be reassuring to take a long-term perspective

Offshore investments

 Utilising tax deferral benefits For the appropriate investor looking to achieve capital security, growth or income, there are a number of advantages to investing offshore, particularly with regards to utilising the tax deferral benefits. You can defer paying tax for the lifetime of the investment, so your investment rolls up without tax being deducted, but… Continue reading Offshore investments

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