Income protection insurance

How would you pay the bills if you were sick or injured and couldn’t work? Protecting your income should be taken very seriously, given the limited government support available. How would you pay the bills if you were sick or injured and couldn’t work? Income protection insurance, formerly known as ‘permanent health insurance’, is a… Continue reading Income protection insurance

Financial protection

 Making the right decision to protect your financial situation With so many different protection options available, making the right decision to protect your personal and financial situation can seem overwhelming. There is a plethora of protection solutions which could help ensure that a lump sum, or a replacement income, becomes available to you in the… Continue reading Financial protection

Lasting Power of Attorney

Peace of mind that there is someone you trust to look after your affairs A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint one or more people to make decisions on your behalf during your lifetime. The people you appoint to manage your affairs are called the ‘attorneys’. An… Continue reading Lasting Power of Attorney

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Life insurance

Peace of mind knowing that your family is protected It’s understandable that we would rather not think of the time when we’re no longer around. But it’s important to protect the things that really matter – like our loved ones, home and lifestyle – in case the unexpected happens. Protected financially  We insure our cars,… Continue reading Life insurance

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Generation still taxed

Numbers nearly double in the last two decades With so much choice on offer, and with frequent rule changes and distinct tax benefits to consider, finding the right vehicle for your retirement planning is essential. Add to this the number of taxpaying pensioners nearly doubling over the last two decades, and with talk of also requiring… Continue reading Generation still taxed

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Investing in your child’s future

Without planning ahead, the cost can be a huge money sink While many parents value the standard of education offered by independent schools or universities, the costs can be daunting. However, with careful planning, it may be possible to avoid a huge outstanding student loan or tax burden. A good education will give your children… Continue reading Investing in your child’s future

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SIPP into your future

Extra flexibility over your pension savings in retirement It’s never too early – or too late – to start saving for your future. With retirement planning, it is important to take into account the fact we’re all living longer. Couple that with the fact that the cost of living continues to rise, and the value… Continue reading SIPP into your future

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Cash stash

Study exposes a whole host of financial secrets It’s bad news for romantics, according to the latest annual research[1] into the retirement aspirations and financial planning of UK couples aged 40 and over. This identifies that nearly one in three couples (31%) have secret savings or investments that they have deliberately started without telling their… Continue reading Cash stash

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Seeking a higher retirement income

Retirement needn’t be an all-or-nothing decision The onwards march of ‘pretirement’ – where people scale back on work or slow their retirement plans down rather than giving up entirely – is continuing, with half (50%) of those retiring this year considering working past State Pension age. This is the sixth consecutive year[1] in which half… Continue reading Seeking a higher retirement income

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