Delivering customer satisfaction

Delivering customer satisfaction

The vast majority of Britain’s new home buyers would recommend their home builder to a friend, according to the Home Builders Federation’s (HBF’s) fourth annual Customer Satisfaction Survey.

The survey also showed that over three quarters
(76 per cent) of purchasers questioned in the 12 months from October 2007 to September 2008 were satisfied with the overall quality of their home.

Stewart Baseley, Executive Chairman of HBF says:

“Ensuring that customers are happy with their new homes is of crucial importance to homebuilders, especially in the current market.

”Whilst being ever conscious that more needs to be done, we are pleased that our survey results show consistently high levels of achievement across all areas. When the results are looked at alongside other such surveys, they demonstrate that builders are building what customers want and doing it in a way that ensures satisfaction in the product. ”

Question responses included the following results (2008 results in brackets):

77 per cent (76) said they were satisfied with
the quality of their new home

76 per cent (75) would recommend their
builder to a friend

76 per cent (77) were very or fairly satisfied
with the service during the buying process

70 per cent (72) regarded their builder as very
or fairly good in relation to completing their
home on time

73 per cent (72) of buyers were satisfied with the condition of their home on move-in day

65 per cent (64) were very or fairly satisfied with the homebuilders’ service after purchasers moved in

With house prices now significantly lower than
12 months ago, now could be an ideal time to purchase a new build home. As well as being built to higher environmental standards than existing homes, and so saving over £500 a year of fuel bills, new build customers get a range of options in terms of their typ

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