Open-ended investment funds

Acting in the investors’ best interests at all times Open-ended investment funds are often called collective investment schemes and are run by fund management companies. There are many different types of fund. These include: Unit trusts OEICs (Open-Ended Investment Companies, which are the same as ICVCs – Investment Companies with Variable Capital) SICAV (Société d’Investissement… Continue reading Open-ended investment funds

Portfolio diversification

Managing the risks you are exposed to in order to avoid suffering losses to your capital Whether you’re planning to start investing your money, or even if you’re already a seasoned investor, it’s crucial to make sure you manage the risks you are exposed to in order to avoid suffering losses to your capital. The… Continue reading Portfolio diversification

Offshore bonds

Utilising tax deferral benefits to minimise tax liabilities Finding the right offshore investments can be a key factor in making the most of your wealth, and it’s not only for the wealthiest of investors. With a few well-advised decisions, you could broaden your investment portfolio. If appropriate, offshore bonds may provide an opportunity for your… Continue reading Offshore bonds

Socially responsible investing

Not sacrificing your life principles in exchange for chasing the best financial returns For investors concerned about global warming and other environmental issues, there are a plethora of ethical investments that cover a multitude of different strategies. The terms ‘ethical investment’ and ‘socially responsible investment’ (SRI) are often used interchangeably to mean an approach to… Continue reading Socially responsible investing

Main types of investment

Understanding asset classes Cash This involves putting your money into a savings account, with a bank, building society or credit union. Your money may not hold its spending power if inflation is higher than the interest rate. Cash is the most basic of all investment forms. Saving money into a deposit account with a bank, building society or… Continue reading Main types of investment

Allocating wealth

 One of the most important investment decisions you ever make How you choose to allocate your wealth between different asset classes will be one of the most important investment decisions you ever make. Asset allocation can account for the majority of your portfolio returns over the long term, so it’s essential that you achieve the… Continue reading Allocating wealth

Taking a long-term view

Remember your reasons for investing in the first place Stock markets can be unpredictable. They move frequently – and sometimes sharply – in both directions. It is important to take a long-term view (typically ten years or more) and remember your reasons for investing in the first place. Be prepared to view the occasional downturns… Continue reading Taking a long-term view

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